This week we learned about the history of performing arts once it started getting popular from 1970 through 1980. We visited the exhibit, "Rituals of Rented Island", at the Whitney Museum. I was actually excited for this trip because it dealt with the performing arts and that's something I would definitely say I'm involved in. Acting, singing, and dancing are examples of performing arts. Once a performance has been done and is no longer available to see in person, then, one can only remember that particular performance through printed materials, photographs, videos, and props. These examples are ephemeral.
In this video it displays a number of photographs, with them and through text, I was able to understand what Michael Smith was doing. It was a championship based on disco, who ever won got to fly off to London, England. Mike arrives early to warm up, and through some photographs he's posed as if he's wandering around. Until the judges arrive, that's when competition gets intense. Some people sings and others dance. Mike ends up dancing. With his hand gestures' I feel I'm able to visualize he's dancing back and forth as he shakes or waves his hands with the music. Then, after everyone has performed, they all gather up and dance. I feel there were enough photographs to picture out this particular scene of everyone dancing. Mike was placed as 12th in the championship. I'm positive the judges must have selected different types of disco songs for the championship and that it must have taken longer than 4 minutes. I feel if I was to see this performance in person, I would have a different perspective about it because all my conclusions are made out by photographs and the song that was selected. I find this performance to be cultural because it was an annual championship and anyone could join.
I noticed that the Kipper Kids has their own section, in that section, I saw an arena with model-like of the Kipper Kids, props, two videos, one video involved them being in an actual arena, and the other video involved them being in a "kitchen", these videos display comedy. They do something in which provokes for the audience to laugh. They wear makeup,wear pointy-like noses and false beards. They wear some type of hat, therefore, we aren't able to see their hair. They wear unusual costumes. They use several props. They basically fooled around. As well, as for in the arena. If I was to attend this performance, I would have a different perspective towards it because I noticed that the time length of the performance in the kitchen is 56 minutes and I personally only stood watching the video for a few minutes. If I was to be asked what I thought about this performance in the kitchen overall would be based on those few minutes. I'll rather have a chair to seat at through that time length, instead of having to stand. I find this performance to be social and cultural because it provides the same social and cultural roles that are well known as providing humor.
Going to the Whitney Museum, I found it an interesting experience because it dealt with a subject I'm use to. In other words, when viewing a photograph or props, such as a costume, I don't just see it for what it is, I imagine the number of possibilities the photograph and costume can be displayed. I do this a lot when it comes to buying clothing, shoes, or accessories, I never know whether I'll wear them but I still buy them because there are different occasions that come. Particular items deal with specific events. As for music, like in the championship it deals with disco music. Also, certain clothing, costumes, such as the Kipper Kids' costumes. There costumes are unusual and to think about where one would wear such things it narrows down to a few places, such as for comedians.
Jack Smith
"I Danced with a Penguin"
Michael Smith
"US Freestyle Disco Championship"
35mm color slides transferred to video
Kipper Kids
(Martin Rochus Sebastian von Haselberg and Brian Routh)
"The Kitchen"