I found the Lower East Side galleries more expressive in their artworks than the galleries in Chelsea. I've noticed the art works at Chelsea are simple and are repetitive. I felt like I was seeing the same art work over and over again for certain galleries. As for the rest of the galleries, I felt I experienced something I never once thought a gallery would produced within me.
At the first floor of the Dean Dempsey gallery, some artworks that I saw were photographs of women, who either were half naked and their faces showed or were fully naked and they were wearing masks. This reminded me of a particular gallery where there were several collages aligned at one wall. This artist used drawn figures of naked men and women for their artworks. It is possible that the collectors for one work of art would enjoy the other work of art since it deals with the human body and its parts.
As I went down to the lower level of the Dean Dempsey gallery, I saw flower pots in the staircase and they didn't have no ordinary flowers. They are camera flowers. I felt as if I was in a garden by the view of these images.
At the Lesley Heller gallery, I found most of the artworks to be unusual because of the materials the artist used to create them. Also, it's something I'm not use to seeing as art. This first artwork I noticed the artist used plastic and overall it appeared to me as if it was some sort of map by the extending lines.
Although this artwork I saw as unusual as well, it however reminded me of New York City its self. I see this work taking place at night by the dark hues of blue. Three fourths of this piece I see it as the ocean and the cut out proportions I see it as a way of expressing reflection from the moon. The top of this work would be the tall buildings of the city. As for the tiny cut out proportions at the top would resemble the stars and the bigger cut outs would resemble clouds.
What did remind me of a gallery in Chelsea from Heller's gallery was this "arrow-like" artwork on the floor. A gallery that I see as simple because the artist used mainly ink images and simple colors. These both art works have simple colors and have resemblance in having rectangles. The image on the right is Heller's artwork and the image on the left is from a gallery at Chelsea. Perhaps the collectors for an artwork would enjoy the other artwork by its appearance and color.
At the McKenzle gallery, I see it as one of my favorite galleries because I feel I get lost within each canvas. The artist used light, space, and adds depth on most of his work. The image on the right and the image on the bottom left, the artist uses light and dark hues. I feel as if the figures on both of these artworks resemble butterflies, that's how the artist thinks about the space in particular to show motion on the image on the right. As for the bottom image, I feel some of the circular shapes could either resemble the butterflies' wing or a rain drops which reason to why they are scattered.
McKenzle gallery reminds me of a gallery in Chelsea where an artist used the space on the canvas well enough to draw out the environment in which there are houses. Also I've noticed the artist uses light on their artwork to give shadow. I doubt the collectors for a work of art would enjoy the other work of art because one deals with architecture while the other deals with figures and light and dark hues.
For this particular trip I felt some galleries in the Lower East Side were even smaller than the ones in Chelsea if not modern. Some do however resemble the "White Cube" space as Chelsea has. I feel more comfortable with the galleries in the Lower East Side than in Chelsea. Some galleries in Chelsea I felt their artwork was all over the place on each wall and I find it difficult to see its texture or its text. At some points for both places I felt the galleries were just too small where a room could only fit a maximum of 6 people and yet being able to capture the work of art into your system. Yet at the Lower East Side they still had more space to roam around, so even if there was a crowd of people observing a particular artwork there was enough room to observe other artworks.
Dean Dempsey
solo show
Lesley Heller
work space
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